On the Editorial Policy in Science: Quelques problèmes
« censurés » de « micro-nano »
fluidique granulaire en micro gravité
P. Evesque : Lab. MSSMat, UMR 8579
CNRS, Ecole Centrale Paris ; 92295
CHATENAY-MALABRY, France, e-mail: pierre.evesque@ecp.fr
Abstract: This paper was
planned to be published late in 2007, i.e. poudres & grains 16 (4),
67-70 (Décembre 2007). The title corresponds to a
talk I presented in 2007 at GDR MFA. I have censured the publication till now,
probably because it was not sounding “politically correct”. I publish it now
adding some sentences making it more up-to-date to show how things go in
“granular physics science”. Please read also the next reading note before