Cyclic Maxwell
Demon in granular gas using
2 kinds of spheres with different masses
P. Evesque, Lab MSSMat, UMR 8579 CNRS, Ecole Centrale Paris, 92295 Châtenay-Malabry, France,
Abstract: The problem of Maxwell’s demon in
granular gas is revisited in the case of a mixture of two particle species. The
phase space is found to be 2d. Existence of cyclic orbits, with periodic
segregation, is demonstrated by investigating the case of 2 kinds of particles
with identical parameters but different masses. At large excitation equi-partition shall be obtained, but convergence towards
the steady state is found in spiral. The spiral convergence is imposed due to
the rule of kinetic-energy transfer between the two species. It results that
the most probable scenario is that the steady state breaks into cyclic orbit at
lower amplitude of vibration below a bifurcation threshold. The nature of the bifurcation is
not known; it can be critical, subcritical,
hypercritical or can exhibit a tri-critical point as varying the control
parameters. No conclusion is obtained at very low vibration amplitude: it is
guessed two scenarii under further cooling which
generates Maxwell's demon and segregation.
Pacs # : 5.40 ; 45.70 ; 62.20 ; 83.70.Fn
poudres & grains 16 (2), 23-37 (Mars 2007)