Limits  of  isotropic  plastic  deformation  of  Bangkok  clay 


P. Evesque: Lab MSSM, UMR 8579 CNRS, Ecole Centrale Paris, 92295 Châtenay-Malabry, France ,


Abstract:  A  model  assuming  incremental  plastic  isotropic  response  has  been  recently proposed  to  model  the deformation  of  isotropic  packing  of  grains,  in  the  small-strain  range.  It  is  used  here  on  over-consolidated remould  clay,  to  interpret  the  small-strain  range  behaviour  obtained  in  [1,2]  on Bangkok  clay.  The data published in [1,2] at constant volume are also used here to measure the size of the domain of validity in the (q/(M’p),p/po) plane, where po is the over-consolidation isotropic pressure, p=(s1+ s2+ s3)/3 is the mean stress and q the deviatoric stress, q= s1- s3 . So, it is shown that the model works also for clay. This enlarges the application domain of model [3,4] to soft clay with OCR larger than 1.2 to 1.5.

Pacs # : 45.70.-n ; 62.20.Fe ; 83.80.Fg, 83.80.Hj

poudres & grains 14 (1), 4-7 (janvier 2004)