compression on loose Hostun sand: The
case of an anisotropic response
Abstract: Experimental data from axially symmetric
compression test at constant mean pressure p=(s1+s2+s3)/3 on
Hostun sand from Flavigny experiments on loose sands are used to study the
validity of an "isotropic" modelling at different densities . It is
found that the material response is not isotropic even at small deviatoric
stress. As an "isotropic" behaviour is found for compression test at
constant volume on the same sand, this new result questions the unicity of the
trajectory in the classical phase space of soil mechanics (q,p,v) ,with q=s1-s2 , v=specific volume, and asks whether this space
shall be taken larger than 3d or not.
Pacs # : 5.40 ; 45.70 ; 62.20 ; 83.70.Fn
poudres & grains 12 (2) 43-49, (mars 2001)